2021 Resolution

Northwestern Water and Sewer District December 17, 2020

In the matter of fixing operation and maintenance rates for sewer collection and treatment services, water distribution services, and sale of water in the District.

Trustee Latta moved the adoption of the following Resolution:

Whereas, The Board of Trustees of the Northwestern Water and Sewer District operates a water and sewer district in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 6119 of the Ohio Revised Code; and

Whereas, Chapter 6119 of the Ohio Revised Code provides that the Board of Trustees shall fix reasonable rates for the use of sewers, sewage treatment and/or water distribution which shall be at least sufficient to pay for all the costs of operation; and

Whereas. After the budget estimates for 2021 were completed with revenue requirements for services, the Finance Committee, Jerry Greiner, President and Kay Ball, CFO, recommends a 0% general increase in the operation and maintenance charges for all sewer collection and treatment services and a 0% general increase for all water services provided by the District; and

Whereas, Ms. Ball further recommends the Board of Trustees not implement the tenth year of the inclusion of depreciation costs in the volume charge for both water and sewer services in order to establish a repair and replacement fund for future needs, with the increase to collect 100% of the depreciation costs being implemented over a 15-20 year period; and

Whereas, Ms. Ball and Mr. Greiner further recommend that any rate increases
implemented by the City of Oregon, the City of Bowling Green, the City of Fostoria, and the City of Toledo for the sale of water to the District be reflected in the rates charged to the master metered customers in the Oregon area master metered customers; the Bowling Green area master metered and rural customers; the Fostoria area master metered customers; the Toledo service area customers which are in addition to any increase in the District's operation and maintenance rates; and

Whereas, Ms. Ball and Mr. Greiner report that all areas that had "phased in" rates over a period of time have all expired, with all areas being billed operation and maintenance charges at the full District rates in 2021; and

Whereas, These increases should be implemented in order to maintain established financial objectives for the District in accordance with the policies established previously by the Board with adjustments to estimated expenditures, which will provide for the continuation of the District as a self-sustaining enterprise supported entirely by the users of the system; therefore be it

Resolved, By the Board of Trustees of the Northwestern Water and Sewer District that effective for all utility bills sent after January 1, 2021, the rates for customers served shall be adjusted, based on the level of services provided to each customer; and be it further

Resolved, That all other rates, charges, and policies previously established shall remain in full force and effect until otherwise provided for by the Board of Trustees of the Northwestern Water and Sewer District; and be it further

Resolved, That the operation and maintenance charges for sewer collection, water distribution and water purchased wholesale as established by this Resolution shall supersede all existing and historical rates established by the Board of County Commissioners of Wood County, Ohio, and the Board of Trustees of the Wood County Regional Water and Sewer District now known as the Northwestern Water and Sewer District, under the provision of Chapters 6117.02 and 6119 of the Ohio Revised Code, as applicable; and be it further

Resolved, That this Northwestern Water and Sewer District Board of Trustees hereby finds and determines that all formal actions relative to the passage of this resolution were taken in open meetings of this Board, and that all deliberations of the Board and of its committees, if any, which resulted in formal action, were taken in meetings open to the public, in full compliance with applicable legal requirements, including Section 121.22, Ohio Revised Code.

Trustee Hahn seconded the resolution and the roll being called on its adoption, the vote resulted as follows:

Yes – 8

No – 0

Abstain – 0