7. Meetings

A. Public Notice of Meetings

(i). The District Board shall post a notice of the time and place of all regular meetings and the time, place, and purpose/s of all special meetings. Such notice shall be posted at the principal address of the Regional District at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of any meeting, pursuant to Section 121.22, O.R.C. The Clerk of the Board shall be responsible for delegating or performing the required notices under this section. The District may, at its sole discretion, also post such notice on the District website.

(ii). Special Meetings and Emergency Meetings: The District Board shall not hold a special meeting unless it gives at least twenty-four hours' advance notice to the news media that have requested notification. An emergency meeting may be held with less than 24 hours advanced notice, and the Clerk of the Board shall notify any requester as soon as immediately practicable as outlined herein.

(iii). Notice to Individuals of Specific Public Business by Special Request: The District Board shall provide any person who makes a request for notice and who pays a reasonable fee established by the Board reasonable advance notification of all meetings at which any specific type of public business is to be discussed. Provisions for advance notification may include, but are not limited to, mailing the agenda of meetings to all subscribers on a mailing list or mailing notices in self-addressed, stamped envelopes provided by the person.

B. Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of the District Board shall be held, at a minimum once each month on such date and at such place and time as may be fixed from time to time by resolution of the Board.

C. Calling Special Meetings

The District Board may hold a special meeting upon the Chairman of the Board or a minimum of 3 Trustees of the Board calling for such a meeting. Upon calling for the meeting, the Board shall give at least 24 hours' advance notice to all Trustees, and any others who have requested notification in accordance with this section. Notice shall be posted according to the previous section of these bylaws and shall include a statement of the purpose of the special meeting. Such statement shall be reasonably specific enough to put the public on notice of what topic/s will be discussed at the special meeting.

D. Calling Emergency Meetings

The District Board may hold an emergency meeting for emergencies requiring immediate official action upon the Chairman of the Board or a minimum of 3 Trustees calling for such a meeting. Upon calling for such a meeting, the Board shall give notice immediately to all Trustees and any others who have requested notification. The reason for the emergency meeting shall be stated in the minutes of the meeting.

When a public emergency is declared by the Federal, State, or a Local political subdivision, the Board may meet by teleconference or videoconference under rules established by the State Legislature and/or by the Board.

E. Quorum

The presence of a majority of the trustees of the District Board at any called meeting shall constitute a quorum for such meeting. During a public emergency that is declared by the Federal, State, or a Local political subdivision, a trustee may be deemed present if he or she attends the meeting by teleconference or videoconference under rules established by the State Legislature and/or the Board.

F. Order of Business

At meetings of the District Board the following shall be the order of business:

  • i. Roll Call
  • ii. Minutes of preceding meeting and action thereon
  • iii. Correspondence
  • iv. Public Comment
  • v. Report by Director and other officials
  • vi. Reports of Committees
  • vii. Unfinished Business
  • viii. New Business
  • ix. Executive session, if needed
  • x. Adjournment

G. Voting

Regardless of Bylaw 7 E regarding a quorum, an affirmative vote of a majority of the District Board shall be required to determine any matter, except changes in these by-laws as set forth in Bylaw 8. No proxy votes shall be permitted except in consideration of minutes of proceedings. Voting may be by general consent, unless a roll call vote is requested by a trustee or in the opinion of the Chairman of the Board, roll call vote or other voting method is appropriate.

H. Conduct of the Meetings

Meetings of the District Board shall be conducted with decorum befitting a public body and according to the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order. The "Sunshine Law" as evidenced in Revised Code Section 121.22 shall be strictly observed. As stated in Bylaw 5 (C), the Chairman shall preside over all meetings and in the Chairman's absence the Vice Chairman shall preside over meetings, as necessary. If both the Chairman and Vice Chairman are unable to preside over any meeting of the Board, the Trustees present will elect a Trustee who is present at the meeting to preside over the meeting.