Bill Hirzel & Melinda Kale Reappointed to the Board

William (Bill) Hirzel and Melinda Kale will continue to serve another term on The Northwestern Water and Sewer District’s (The District) Board of Trustees. During the Board Meeting on Thursday, October 12, the Board accepted the reappointments of both officers.

Bill was reappointed to the Board of Trustees by the Wood County Commissioners in September. Bill is the former treasurer of Hirzel Canning Company & Farms Inc., a global agricultural operation in Luckey, Ohio, emphasizing sustainable and organic practices. Mr. Hirzel graduated from the Ohio State University and served in the Army National Reserve. His new term expires in December 2026.

Melinda Kale was also reappointed to The District’s Board of Trustees by township members of The District. Ms. Kale is the Chief Executive Officer at Work Leads to Independence (WLI), a nonprofit organization delivering services to people with disabilities throughout Northwest Ohio. Ms. Kale lives in Rudolph, Ohio. Her new term expires in December 2026.

The District’s Board comprises ten local individuals who provide operations and policy governance. The Board represents our service area and consists of three seats appointed by municipalities that are members of The District, three appointed by District member townships, three appointed by the Wood County Commissioners, and one appointed by the Henry County Commissioners.